What is Move Fast, Think Slow?

Hi, I’m Mitch.

I’m a VP, Group Account Director at Giant Spoon, one of the most innovative companies in the world.

I’m a lot of other things too. And one of those things is a writer.

I didn’t want MF/TS to be just another professional business newsletter. I want this to be more dynamic. There is a purposeful duality to MF/TS. New ideas and old wisdom. Strategic insights on business and ideas worth stealing. Sage advice and pro tips on good health.

I want to talk about 4 basic things in MF/TS.

  • Brand marketing

  • Ideas (and strategies) worth stealing

  • Performance & Health (On Team and Individual levels)

  • Cultural trends

  • Visual vibes

Okay so I lied.

5 basic things!!!

As a brand marketer, I have led award-winning work at one of the most innovative ad agencies in America.

As someone who has worked in the ideas business for a long time, I’ve come across ideas worth stealing. Whether they be inspiration as a starting place or systems that lead to breakthrough outcomes. If you want to make a good chili (that’s an analogy for good ideas) then there are prompts worth stealing.

Being healthy in mind, body, and spirit is a top priority. You can’t get to great unless you’re optimizing health. Everything is connected.

Cultural trends & currents spark my interest because the best ideas tend to run with the current currents of culture. MF/TS will share links to make you think and occasional cultural op-eds.

Visual vibes. Images of the week curated or shot by moi. 📸

Key themes I plan to dive into in 2024 (as of Jan 2024):

  • The “adjacent possible” and keeping an open mind to unlock innovation

  • New combinations are power moves

  • Compounded interest as a strategy for business, investment, health, and marketing

  • Resetting relationship with technology

  • A winning mindset and getting your team to play like winners

  • Why humor is a superpower and having fun is essential

  • Always. Be. Closing. Sales psychology and why harnessing the trick of the trade can help you out no matter what line of work you are in.

  • Why attaining FLOW and understanding our brains is a power move

  • Ideas worth stealing. Creativity and strategies that drive impact and are worth taking and remixing as your own.

  • Why Progressive’s Flo is one of the best advertising campaigns of all time

  • How brand marketing super powers “growth hacking”

  • Why brand is a financial instrument for a business

  • How the media signals you use directly determines the perception of your brand

  • Why the “money ball” of everything cheapens products over the long term

  • Running & health tips. I’m becoming a marathon runner and I’ll be talking about my journey to break the 4:00:00 barrier in 2024.

Subscribe to Move Fast, Think Slow

A newsletter focused on finding the adjacencies in life, performance, and brand marketing.


Developing brand growth and sales velocity through innovative advertising campaigns. I move, collaborate and lead with humans at Giant Spoon.